match average (closer) for 'same'all
match average (all) for 'same'all
Closer hits
samexkcd bulk
the samexkcd bulk
same bluexkcd bulk
same herexkcd bulk
more of the samexkcd bulk
same as it ever wasxkcd bulk
same as last onexkcd bulk
the same bluexkcd bulk
they're all the samexkcd bulk
the same as the last onexkcd bulk
same as last timexkcd bulk
same damn bluexkcd bulk
same colorxkcd bulk
Further hits
same greenxkcd bulk
same thingxkcd bulk
the same as last timexkcd bulk
samxkcd bulk
the same as the first onexkcd bulk
same as beforexkcd bulk
same as that other onexkcd bulk
the same as beforexkcd bulk
the same as the last colorxkcd bulk
the same one as beforexkcd bulk
same blue as beforexkcd bulk
same green againxkcd bulk